Positive Intelligence (PQ®) Clergy Coaching Program

From Self-Sabotage to Self-Mastery!


Here are some telltale signs that the thoughts in your mind are being hijacked by your Saboteurs:
  • Do you feel like you are burning the candle at both ends, stuck on the ministry hamster wheel?
  • Are you waiting for your schedule to stop so you can catch a breath, allow yourself to relax, maybe even get to a point where you can plan ahead?
  • Do you self-sabotage yourself? Despite knowing what to do and how to do it, you don’t follow through?
  • Do you feel the need to compare yourself with others and then despair – comparing your worst to everyone else’s best?
  • Do you feel the pressure to do things nearly perfectly which actually prevents you from doing them at all?
  • Do unrealistic expectations from others, or even yourself, exhaust you?
  • Are you exhausted by the voice of your inner critic?
  • Do you beat yourself up for things that are outside of your control?
  • Do you sometimes judge yourself and others harshly?
  • Would you like to relax more and work less?
Positive Intelligence (PQ®) Clergy Coaching Program

I get it! That used to be me!

It’s easy to get distracted by the toxicity out in the world, but until you clean up the toxicity in your own mind, you’re stuck in a self-sabotaging cycle of anxiety, overwhelm and burnout.

Are you ready to break free from the self-imposed limitations that you’re stuck in?

What would be possible if…
You could run your mind instead of your mind running you?

We all have internal negative voices that work against our best interests, we will call them Saboteurs. Everyone has them. They live in our survival brain, and they cause us to waste mental and emotional energy and miss out on opportunities because of the lies they keep telling us, and they generate negative emotions in us such as stress, self-doubt, anger, guilt, shame, or regret. If left unchecked, these thoughts in our minds can sabotage our own mental wellbeing, our own performance, and even our most important relationships.

Although we all have Saboteur voices in our minds, the good news is we also have a deeper, wiser part of ourselves (the Sage) that helps us overcome challenges, feel positive emotions (like empathy, gratitude, curiosity, confidence, and creativity) and remain grounded, calm and decisive even in the midst of a crisis. The more mentally fit we become, the more we can access this wiser self.

The good news – there are breakthrough, research-based tools that help you strengthen that Sage part of the brain that serves you and quiets the part that sabotages you.

The Positive Intelligence (PQ® ) Clergy Coaching Program dramatically empowers you to interrupt your Saboteur voices, strengthen your Sage and rewire your brain to form new neural pathways and form new habits.

PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient)

The relative strength of the positive Sage versus the negative Saboteurs is called PQ (Positive Intelligence Quotient).


PQ® (Positive Intelligence) is all about your capacity to respond to life’s challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset. Our end game in working together is increased happiness in all professional and personal facets of life.

                  If you are physically fit, you can climb steep hills without physical stress.

                  If you are mentally fit, you can handle life’s challenges without mental stress or other negative emotions,                                      such as anxiety, frustration, or unhappiness, as you handle work and relationship challenges.

Neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology and performance science
Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence

PQ® (Positive Intelligence) is a synthesis of recent breakthroughs in neuroscience, cognitive and positive psychology and performance science.

Research includes:

  • Over 1,000,000 participants from 50 countries
  • Hundreds of CEOs, their executive teams, and families
  • Stanford students
  • Elite athletes

This research was summarized in Shirzad in Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence, a New York Times bestseller, translated into 20 languages.

Research has shown PQ to be the best predictor of how happy you are and how well you perform relative to your potential. Shirzad’s research identifies 10 Saboteurs and 5 Sage Powers in our psyche that determine our level of “mental fitness”, or our ability to manage stressful situations in a healthy way.

Catch Your Saboteurs

The research reveals that:

  • Your Saboteurs and your Sage live in entirely different regions of the brain.
  • You can cause a dramatic shift in brain activation to intercept your Saboteurs and boost your Sage.
  • 3 Core Actions constitute Mental Fitness.

CATCH YOUR SABOTEURS: learn to expose and intercept your top Saboteurs

  • Your Saboteurs are the voices in your inner dialogue that beat you up, hold you back, and trigger negative emotions – the source of your stress, anxiety, self-doubt, anger, procrastination, frustration, regret, shame, guilt, and more.
  • We learn to recognize your Saboteurs and intercept them.
Use Your Sage Powers

USE YOUR SAGE POWERS: Learn to boost your Sage, which generates positive emotions while handling life’s challenges.

  • Your Sage is the source of positive emotion and enables you to handle challenges with a clear and calm mind. You learn to tap into your inner wisdom
  • The Sage is the part of you that has access to deep compassion and empathy for yourself and others. It is a wealth of creativity and innovation. This is where your super five Sage powers are located.
Energize your sage brain

ENERGIZE YOUR SAGE BRAIN: Boost your ability to command your mind to quiet your Saboteur region and amplify the Sage region.

  • We learn to use 10-second exercises, called PQ reps, to grow in mental fitness and shift from negative thoughts to positive.
  • Our habitual thoughts are well-worn neuropathways that trigger the Saboteur response. Using the program’s exercises, you’ll create new neuropathways, creating the transformation you deserve!

Take Your Complimentary PQ Assessment to Identify your Negative Thought Patterns AND schedule your 15-minute PQ Assessment Debrief with Barbara Solsaa.

Be transformed by the renewing of your minds! Romans 12:2

What’s the Impact?

Boost Performance: You perform better while working less hard – similar to athletes “in the zone”.

Improve Wellbeing: You feel less stressed, more peace, and consistent happiness, even in tough times.

Strengthen Relationships: You improve relationships and team outcomes and are able to handle conflicts in ways that deepen trust and harmony.

Boost Performance


The Positive Intelligence (PQ®) program has proven to help people around the globe move from surviving to thriving both personally and professionally. Using these tools, we have developed the Positive Intelligence Clergy Coaching Program, which is a hybrid approach that combines the Positive Intelligence tools by Shirzad Chamine and the clergy coaching expertise of Clergy Life Coaching. This unique approach will help you find the true leader within yourself and help you build your PQ muscles and keep your mind clear and calm, even during the most stressful times.

I am offering this course because it had such a profound, life-changing impact on me. This program works because it literally rewires our brains! Now, I am excited to be a Positive Intelligence (PQ®) Coach so that I can help you to learn how to build your Sage and control your Saboteurs.

You can dramatically improve how effective you are as a ministry professional with just 5-15 minutes of practice a day.

With our completely virtual Positive Intelligence® Clergy Coaching Program you’ll receive personalized guidance, attention and support from a certified coach who will support you through the program.

Our PQ® program is structured like a mental fitness bootcamp, with app-guided practice sessions that only take 5-15 minutes per day for 6 weeks. But unlike a traditional bootcamp, PQ is tailored specifically to your needs and goals.

So, if you’re looking for a way to reduce stress, improve your well-being, and achieve your goals, this Positive Intelligence® Clergy Coaching Program is the perfect solution for you.

Imagine having increased confidence, improved relationships, a clear focused mind, and being happier than you thought possible.

World-renowned CEO coach, Stanford lecturer and best-selling author Shirzad Chamine is the primary instructor for the Positive Intelligence (PQ program).

Take Your Complimentary PQ Assessment to Identify your Negative Thought Patterns AND schedule your 15-minute PQ Assessment Debrief with Barbara Solsaa.

Be transformed by the renewing of your minds! Romans 12:2

Are you ready to quiet your anxiety, worry, self-doubt, judgment, and negative thinking that keeps you from being the best version of yourself? Don’t let your Saboteurs plant doubts in your head!


Weekly 30 minute to 1-hour Interactive Video Sessions

Weekly 30 minute to 1-hour Interactive Video Sessions with Shirzad

  • Highly engaging and interactive sessions led by Shirzad Chamine (Founder and Author of Positive Intelligence).
  • Experiential exercises that deepen and personalize your understanding of the mental fitness tools.
  • New weekly videos are released on Fridays. You don’t just watch, you participate at key sections to deepen your understanding.
  • You leave inspired and energized for the coming week’s daily practices.
Daily Focus

Daily Focus

  • Daily focus is available exclusively to program participants.
  • This builds one small muscle at a time.
  • Establishes new neural pathways to form lasting positive habits in your mind.
  • Brief, 2 to 3-minute focused breaks to energize your Sage brain – you’ll learn how to command your mind to shift from Saboteur to Sage response at any time.
  • The impact is noticeable within a short period of practice. The cumulative impact by the program’s end is astounding.

Daily Progress Tracking

  • The app tracks your daily progress against minimum targets that research shows are required for new mental muscles (neural pathways) to be formed.
  • Personalized daily coaching tips from Shirzad continue to both encourage and challenge you to keep going. They are partly based on the results of your Saboteur Assessment, customized to help you disarm your top Saboteurs.

Interactive PQ “Gym”

  • Innovative 10-second PQ reps energize your Sage brain.
  • Learn to be clear-headed and calm even in the midst of great challenges.
  • Learn to command your mind to shift from Saboteur to Sage

Cohort Community of Worldwide Peers

  • The app includes a community feature to make it easy for you to keep in touch via a private forum.
  • In addition to your small pod group, you’ll have access to a larger community of participants from around the world, all of whom are starting on the same day as you.
  • There is no requirement to be involved in that forum, it simply provides a broader perspective of the impact of the program.
  • Shirzad remains an active member of this community as well.
  • Participants report the online cohort community to be key to sustaining their enthusiasm for daily practice.

Live Weekly Group Coaching Pod Sessions with Barbara Solsaa

  • To support your growth, answer your questions, and reinforce your practice, we will be having live weekly Zoom sessions to further ensure your success.
  • We will work in a small, intimate group setting so I can ensure my personal attention to you, deliver impactful coaching interventions, deepen your PQ knowledge, and answer your questions.
  • In addition, I will regularly interact with participants via the app. Research has shown that individuals who go through this program with a small supportive group have a 500% greater success rate.

Take Your Complimentary PQ Assessment to Identify your Negative Thought Patterns AND schedule your 15-minute PQ Assessment Debrief with Barbara Solsaa.

Be transformed by the renewing of your minds! Romans 12:2

Here is an Overview look at your Weekly Schedule of Inspired Practice.

6 Week PQ/Mental Fitness Course Schedule
Content FocusM or TM/T/W/T/F/S/SF/S/S
PREP WEEK Meet for Intro to App and Program InformationWatch Week 1 Video
Boost Self-Command
Pod MtgFocus of the Day, Daily Recharges & ReflectionsWatch Week 2 Video
Intercept the Judge
Pod Mtg   Focus of the Day, Daily Recharges & ReflectionsWatch Week 3 Video
Accomplice Saboteurs
Pod Mtg   Focus of the Day, Daily Recharges & ReflectionsWatch Week 4 Video

Sage Empathize Power

Pod Mtg   Focus of the Day, Daily Recharges & ReflectionsWatch Week 5 Video
Sage Perspective
Explore, Innovate
Pod Mtg   Focus of the Day, Daily Recharges & ReflectionsWatch Week 6 Video
Sage Activate Power
Pod Mtg   Focus of the Day, Daily Recharges & ReflectionsWatch Week 7 Video

Navigate Power
& PQ LIfe Applications

Pod Mtg   Continue PQ w/ 6 weeks of Integrate Program Review   


  • Your complimentary Saboteur Assessment.
  • All program materials delivered via the powerful flagship Positive Intelligence® App – available exclusively to program members designed to build your mental muscles.
  • Seven 1-hour video sessions taught by Shirzad Chamine (founder of Positive Intelligence), designed to teach you how to dramatically boost your mental muscle fitness and help you easily incorporate mental fitness into a busy life of ministry.
  • 5 to 15-minute daily guided practice in the app (Daily Focus, Recharges and PQ Gym).
  • Audio and pdf access to 8 chapters of the New York Times bestselling book Positive Intelligence by Shirzad Chamine.
  • Seven LIVE weekly group coaching check-in sessions with Barbara Solsaa to provide accountability, engage with others in the program, discuss progress, and answer questions to ensure your success.
  • Optional individual coaching by PQ and PCC-certified ICF coach, Barbara Solsaa, supporting your transformation.
  • An online community gives you the option to learn and share your experience with people from around the world.
  • 6-weeks exclusive bonus access to Integrate program which reviews your initial 6-week program to further solidify your new neural pathway progress.
  • Access to the flagship PQ App and Foundation program for an entire year upon completion of the program.

Take Your Complimentary PQ Assessment to Identify your Negative Thought Patterns AND schedule your 15-minute PQ Assessment Debrief with Barbara Solsaa.

Be transformed by the renewing of your minds! Romans 12:2

Participant Expectations in the Positive Intelligence® Clergy Coaching Program:

  • Watch 1-hour weekly video lessons (for seven weeks Friday, Saturday and/or Sunday) led by Stanford University researcher/lecturer and best-selling author of Positive Intelligence, Shirzad Chamine.
  • Participate in a small accountability group (pod).
    • Communicating in the app with your pod.
    • Joining the LIVE weekly group coaching Zoom check-in sessions with Barbara Solsaa.
      • Research shows a 500% increased likelihood of establishing positive new habits when we are supported by accountability partners. Participants report this community is key to sustaining their enthusiasm for daily practice.
    • Invest 5 to 15 minutes/day doing Daily Focus and (optional) Recharges along with PQ reps practice on the Positive Intelligence app designed for this program. The app will guide you!
    • Read or listen to eight chapters of New York Time’s bestselling book Positive Intelligence (audio and PDF versions provided).
    • The total time commitment is less than 2 hours per week.

Not sure you can make it work with your schedule? Most of the training and learning happens on the app so you can make it work in and around your schedule.

My PQ Journey!

As a former therapist turned ICF-certified PCC Christian Life Coach, I was familiar with assessment inventories such as Myers Briggs, StrengthsFinder, DISC, I-OPT and a variety of others, but they all just gave me INSIGHT into how I thought and related to others but none of them provided me tools to CHANGE how I thought in order to be happier, more creative, more productive and have healthier relationships.

I first heard Shirzad Chamine speak of Positive Intelligence (PQ®) in 2018 and promptly bought his book. Hearing him speak and reading his book provided great INSIGHT but that alone did not change my own neural pathways in a significantly positive manner. It was only when I went through the 6-week Positive Intelligence program and consistently did the exercises to literally rewire my brain, that my life DRAMATICALLY changed. The most significant change has simply been my inner sense of JOY and wellbeing which permeates all aspects of my life. I am calmer, less stressed, more focused, and more confident. This has also translated into being more productive in my business and has enhanced healthy communication with my spouse and colleagues. I can’t help but want EVERYONE to experience not only the joy, but also that sense of control over their minds and lives that I have experienced.

I want this for YOU, too!

I NEED to share this with you. I NEED to be a part of teaching you how to quiet the saboteur voices in your mind, allowing you to tap into the sage wisdom that also exists in your mind but has otherwise been drowned out by your saboteurs – your negative self-talk.

As a Positive Intelligence Coach, trained by Shirzad Chamine, I can bring this groundbreaking research and app-guided training, combined with my expertise as a clergy coach, exclusively to YOU!

Take Your Complimentary PQ Assessment to Identify your Negative Thought Patterns AND schedule your 15-minute PQ Assessment Debrief with Barbara Solsaa.

Be transformed by the renewing of your minds! Romans 12:2

A second area that I am passionate about is using the positive Intelligence Program with teams. PQ is incredibly powerful to use with teams. Just imagine a team of people, quieting the Saboteurs in their minds, tapping into their Sage brain, tapping into their creativity, learning how to communicate in a healthier, more positive manner, having the same language. Oh, just imagine the possibilities?!

The teams I have worked with speak of having their individual lives transformed by this program which then also gives them a common language when working and communicating with their team. Having a group of people with a more creative, healthier mindset brings so much more harmony, creativity and productivity to teams. It is a win-win-win situation for the individual – team/staff.

The PQ Program builds resilience, optimism, and empathy in teams – not through theory or insight, but by building mental muscle that increases performance, overall team happiness, and feelings of general well-being. Even though the focus of the program is individual development, team leaders often call this experience the best team-building experience they have ever had. Going through this program together significantly deepens trust, helps clear the air related to recurrent team member conflicts since they’re mostly generated by Saboteurs, and gives the entire team a common framework for helping each other grow, making decisions, responding to setbacks, and managing conflicting styles and agendas.

Why am I so passionate about what I do? Because I believe we are all called to live abundant, joyful lives, and the main reason we do not is because old limiting stories get in our way.

What are others saying about this program?

“Like most people in ministry, I have faced both personal and professional challenges over the pandemic years. I found myself in need of a change as I regularly felt drained and unsure of how to move forward in ministry. I knew something needed to change but I did not know what that was. As we practiced our PQ reps during the week, I noticed a change in my demeanor, but more importantly, my wife and church members could see a change in me. I believe that if more ministers had the PQ tools in their ministerial toolbox, churches and ministers’ families would look a lot healthier. Positive Intelligence has made a significant difference in my life and ministry, and I believe it would do the same for everyone who takes it seriously and incorporates its principles into their daily lives.”


“This was SO transformational! I now define my life as Pre-PQ and Post-PQ!”


“I feel like I have been living my whole life in a cocoon and this program provided the transformation that now has me feeling like a butterfly!”


“When I was invited to participate in the PQ program, I was feeling overwhelmed and on the brink of burnout in ministry. As I participated in the program, my perspective began to shift. Challenges were no longer obstacles to overcome, but rather opportunities to embrace and learn from. On a personal level, participating in PQ has changed my life. I am more at peace with my life and relationships. I am more free to explore and innovate in ministry.”


Positive Intelligence has boosted mental fitness and generated lasting results for employees of hundreds of organizations around the world. Here are a few of them:

One-on-One Coaching with Barbara

Need time to focus on your experience? Add additional 1-on-1 coaching sessions with Barbara at a special discounted rate. This individualized attention can be especially helpful to understand the impact of your strongest Saboteurs on your personal and professional life.

Take Your Complimentary PQ Assessment to Identify your Negative Thought Patterns AND schedule your 15-minute PQ Assessment Debrief with Barbara Solsaa.

Be transformed by the renewing of your minds! Romans 12:2

Payment Plans Available!

A variety of workshops or retreat schedules are available as well!!