Where the Cross & Compass Meet
Life Coaching
Bring clarity to your vision, balance to your days, renewed joy and purpose to your ministry & life.
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Find support on your journey as you identify & respond to God’s grace.
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The Discernment Project
Ministry looks a lot different in these post pandemic days. Many in ministry are no longer working out of their gifted and passionate zones. Many have lost passion for their ministry. The Discernment Project gives you the space and the guidance to listen to your own heart as well as to God’s voice, allowing you to reconnect with your confidence, your gifts, your passions; discerning where God might be leading you next in ministry, or even if a bi-vocational or secular job is more appropriate for now. The Discernment Project opens your eyes to the possibilities in your current call or it might lead you to another one. The project is grounded in a Dwelling in the Word process so that you are in a constant state of listening to God, spending some time with God that is not sermon or Bible study-prep related! If there were a theme verse for this process, it would be “Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a right spirit within me!”

Working with Barbara has changed my call for the better: I've moved from burn out and resentment to joy and creativity. Her ability to listen reflectively and pull out answers within myself helped me filter out the noise and get in touch with what the Spirit was saying. I think every church professional should work with a coach!
AnnaClergy Life Coaching Client
Having worked with a Clergy Life Coach over the last 3 months, I have much more confidence in the long-term sustainability of my career as a parish pastor… her support has helped me steward my time, energy and gifts without apology.
LoriClergy Life Coaching Client
In completing the Rostered Leader under Call Report to my Bishop, the question was asked, what was your most meaningful/important continuing education over the last year. Without a doubt, the time I spent with [my coach], Clergy Life Coaching, was the most important and meaningful.
Coaching ClientA Rewarding Experience
Convenient & Flexible
Coaching calls are scheduled and entered in your calendar just like any other appointment. However, instead of traveling to an office for a prearranged meeting, you simply pick up the phone and start! Clients find telephone coaching appealing, efficient, and cost-effective. You will be amazed at what you will accomplish during each coaching call!